Other field projects in this phase:
- Permian Basin, TX – Midland Basin study utilizing interstage fiber optic DAS VSP data
- Middle East Project, Kuwait – deep Jurassic carbonate/shale reservoir
- Neuquen Basin, Argentina – tight gas reservoir
- Deepwater Project, Brazil conventional post-salt reservoir
- North Sea 4D – Edvard Grieg oil field
- Fiber Optics: DAS – Seismic, DAS and DTS – production
- Compressive Sensing: CS for seismic acquisition
- Machine Learning: Exploration and development applications
- Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Winter Members Meeting Agenda 2021
- Spring Members Meeting Report 2021
- Fall Members Meeting Agenda 2020
- Spring Members Meeting Report 2020
- Fall Members Meeting Program 2019
Phase XVIII Presentations and Posters
WINTER 2021 Presentations
Spring 2021 Presentations
Fall 2020 Presentations
Spring 2020 Presentations
Link to recorded presentations
Chalk Bluff Overview – Ali Downard
“Geologic impacts and controls on production in the Niobrara: Insights from 3D seismic and legacy well production”, Ali Downard
“Analytical evaluation of diagnostic fracture injection test”, Nurbol Bekbossinov
“Rate transient analysis (RTA) of 7 Chalk Bluff wells to determine stimulated formation permeability of Northern DJ Basin Niobrara and Codell formations”, Balnur Mindygaliyeva
“Inferring near-well conductivity from DAS-recorded tube waves generated by perforation shots”, Harrison Schumann
“Analysis of scattered waves observed in interstage DAS VSP data from zipper-fracturing operations”, Aleksei Titov
“Midland Basin Project: Observations vs modeling of time shifts in an interstage DAS VSP survey”, Gary Binder
“Microseismic guided waves in downhole DAS records”, Bin Luo
“Analysis of guided waves excited by microseismic events in Eagle Ford DAS data”, Owen Huff
“Compositional reservoir modeling, Eagle Ford: Phase XVII”, Kaveh Amini
“Laboratory assessment of improved oil production from unconventional shale reservoirs”, Asm Kamruzzaman
“North Sea Offshore: Edvard Grieg Field”, Sima Danesvar, Payson Todd
“Middle East: Internal multiple modeling and multimineral analysis in Raudhatain field, North Kuwait”, Liwei Cheng
“Fiber Optics: DTS Modeling of Near-Wellbore Temperature Transients”, Kagan Kutun
“Fiber Optics: DAS-based production logging: flow loop experiments”, Aleksei Titov
“Brazil Offshore: Comparative analysis of PP and Joint PP-PS inversion results applied to the Jubarte field PRM data offshore Brazil”, Andrea Damasceno
“Seismic Deblending: Using iterative and compressive sensing methods to quantify blending noise impact on 4D projects”, Max Velasques
“OBC Offshore: 4D consistent surface wave attenuation in the vertical component of OBC multi-component data”, Moacyr Bezerra
“CSI: Compressive sensing in seismic acquisition”, Anna Titova
Fall 2019 Presentations
Link to Video Presentation of Meeting |
Chalk Bluff Introduction – Dr. Ge Jin
Raudhatain Field, North Kuwait – Liwei Cheng, Nadima Dwihusna
Machine Learning – Nadima Dwihusna
Permian, Midland Basin – Gary Binder, Aleksei Titov
Fiber Optics Research Program – Gary Binder, Aleksei Titov, Kagan Kutun
Enhanced Oil Recovery – Asm Kamruzzaman
Compressive Sensing – Anna Titova
Neuquen Basin Tight Sands – Atilas Silva
Jubarte Field, Brazil – Andrea Damasceno, Max Velasques, Moacyr De Souza Bezerra
North Sea 4D – Sima Daneshvar
Chalk Bluff Integrated Project: Well Spacing Analysis and Optimization – Balnur Mindygaliyeva
Chalk Bluff Integrated Project: The Geophysical Perspective – Ali Downard
Machine Learning Applications for Well Data Prediction/Quality Control – Harrison Schumann
Auto-Detection of Microseismic Events for Characterization of Hydraulic Fracturing in Unconventionals – Dwaipayan Chakraborty
Reservoir Engineering-based Hydraulic Fracturing Optimization (Chalk Bluff) – Nurbol Bekbossinov
Constraining Microseismic Event Location in the Eagle Ford with Guided Waves – Owen Huff